- 轮椅电梯
- 升降辅助工具
- 残障适应设备
升降柱产品线经理 Kyle Thomson 探讨了 Thomson 升降柱在医学和人体工程学方面的广泛应用,并详细介绍了升降柱技术的众多功能和优点。 其中还包含一个 Videojet 优秀制造工程师访谈,他分享了该公司如何将升降柱融入其制造过程以提高员工安全性。
型号对比 |
LC1600 | LC2000 | LC3000 |
说明 | 两片式挤出件,负载能力达 1600 N,是伸缩比要求不高的低成本应用的理想之选。 | 三片式挤出件,负载能力为 2000 N,同时包含伸缩式导螺杆机制,具有理想的伸缩比。 | 三片式挤出件,采用滚珠螺杆驱动机制,可实现 3000 N 负载能力以及高力矩负载。 |
螺杆类型 | 梯形 | 伸缩式导螺杆 | 滚珠螺杆 |
重量 | 优异 | 良好 | 良好 |
安静运行 | 优异 | 良好 | 良好 |
伸缩比 | 良好 | 优异 | 较好 |
最短伸缩长度 | 良好 | 优异 | 较好 |
负载能力 | 良好 | 较好 | 优异 |
负载扭矩能力 | 良好 | 良好 | 优异 |
占空比 | 良好 | 优异 | 良好 |
速度 | 较好 | 优异 | 良好 |
中间行程保护 | 是 | 否* | 否* |
* 使用 DCG 控制时,可使用中间行程负载保护。
LC Series Lifting Columns | 1078 KB | |
LC Series Lifting Columns | 1078 KB | |
LC Series Lifting Columns | 1087 KB | |
LC Series Lifting Columns | 1159 KB |
Linear Actuators | 9795 KB | |
Linear Actuators | 9799 KB | |
Linear Actuators | 5661 KB | |
Linear Actuators | 3296 KB | |
Linear Actuators | 3264 KB |
DCG Actuator Hand & Motor Control Installation | 143 KB | |
DCG Actuator Control Installation | 109 KB | |
DMD/DMA Lifting Column Installation | 82 KB |
2015-01-10 |
Drive Type
Travel Rate (No Load)
Maximum Stroke
Feedback Option
Connection Option
Choose by product family.
The nominal voltage required to operate the actuator.
Actuators use three different types of screws depending on the configuration and load requirements of the actuator.
The load rating is the minimum amount of force the actuator will provide during its lifetime.
DC actuators have a direct load/speed relationship. As the load increases, the speed of the dc actuators decreases. There are curves on each product in the catalog to show the speed from no load to full rated load.
The maximum speed of the system without any load.
This value is the maximum extension of the actuator system itself. Your max application length should be within the selected range. Each system, however, can be ordered in shorter standard or customizable lengths.
The connection to the motor.
This part number is not available for sale online but may still be available for sale. Click here to contact Thomson Customer Support.
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