Thomson Miniature Metric Ball BushingTM 轴承 可在轻便、小巧的包装内 顺畅快速 运转,在使用寿命方面 是传统型线性轴承的 27 倍之多!轻型设计可实现精确移动和快速加速。双唇式一体化刷子有助于 安全润滑和防止灰尘进入,这可延长使用寿命。超精加工轴承板可确保运行顺畅和长久的 使用寿命。 提供可用于恶劣环境的耐腐蚀型选件。
规格 | MM03 | MM05 | MM08 | MM12 |
LinearRace 轴尺寸:mm | 3 | 5 | 8 | 12 |
轴承类型: | 闭式 | 闭式 | 闭式 | 闭式 |
轴承滚道数量: | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
动态负载额定值:N (lbf)* | 45 (10) | 170 (38) | 310 (70) | 650 (146) |
负载限值:N (lbf)** | 50 (11) | 190 (43) | 340 (76) | 715 (161) |
* 用于额定值为 100 km 的行进寿命。
** 负载限值为可向轴承/轴施加的最大负载。
Thomson 60 Case Linear Race shafting has been popular for decades for its consistent reliability and performance. To help customers get this high-quality, lab-tested product into their hands as quickly as possible for their time-sensitive design projects, Thomson goes to great lengths.
With the special machining add-on to the Thomson online shafting selector tool, the burden of creating 2D drawings is relieved, and the amount of time needed to specify the machined shaft is dramatically reduced.
Watch this comprehensive demo and see how this feature offers the most commonly used machining options, which are automatically converted to manufacturable 2D drawings for download as printable PDFs or sharable links.
Try the online shafting selector tool and special machining add-on at: https://www.thomsonlinear.com/en/products/shafting
For any cases in which your machining configurations don't fall within the scope of our tool's options, Thomson application engineers are always ready to provide fast help.
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